Mark T. Barclay Podcast

I Predict 2023 and Beyond - Part 2

Episode Summary

Part 2 of 2. Dr. Barclay and Pastor Richard Jolliff cover what Dr. Barclay sees coming for 2023 and Beyond. Download a free PDF of "I Predict 2023 and Beyond" at

Episode Transcription

- I am way beyond a fanatic. I'm God possessed. Get it straight, there ain't a demon on the planet that likes Mark Barclay anymore. If that's you, clap and shout one. Say, "I am God-possessed!"


- I am God possessed!


- You'd better get ready. D'you bring a Bible? Praise God, everybody. Mark Barclay here. I call you blessed. I call you healed, delivered, saved and living a good life, in the name of Jesus. 2023 is gonna be a rough year for a lot of people, but not so much for those of us who walk with God, and according to this book. We're gonna talk about that in this broadcast today. I have a special guest with me, Pastor Richard Jolliff. We've been preaching partners for a long time. We're gonna discuss parts of my "I Predict", of what God has shown me that could take place in this coming year. Get on the phone, text it, tell everybody about it. I don't want anybody to miss this, because I know the content and the severity of what we're gonna be dealing with. God is with us. He has not abandoned us. He's still on the throne, and we're gonna be all right if we just live by this book. Listen: Obey God, submit, obey the prophets, and the Bible teaches us it will be well with us. Glad you joined me. It's gonna be awesome. You'd better get your Bible, and I would highly recommend you get a notebook and a pen, or really fast at typing your notes, 'cause we're going to say some potent stuff about 2023. Let's go do it together. Amen.


- D'you bring a Bible?


- Yeah! I got this sizzling hot message, so. I'm not trying to get anybody into hell. I'm trying to get everybody off that road, and turn them around and get them on the highway to heaven. You put your eyes on Jesus, and you're on the highway to heaven. Imagine these two gates. Now, these gates are to eternity. That's why salvation is called eternal salvation. Oh, wait a minute, or eternal damnation. That's why this is called everlasting life. Once you are born again, you'd better do something with what God put in your life. He'd better not be spent for nothing. You'd better be ready to get ready. Wow. You gotta be able to say to your God, or at least ask him, "Was I worth dying for?" God is good. We love you. We're bringing you the word of God, uncompromised.


- Amen.


- If you don't know me, I'm Mark Barclay. I have my friend of many years, preaching partner, Pastor Richard Jolliff with me, from Amazing Grace. We're gonna tackle the "I Predict", and if you don't have this yet, it's the printout of some of the points, not every one of the points, 'cause there's too many, of what the Lord has talked to us about in 2023. If it's not on the website, it will be soon, at You can get it if you want. I hope you do, and pray over these things. We believe in God, that some of them, through prayer and talking to God, and living out these warnings, can be postponed. And maybe even they won't come to pass, 'cause we're not giving this like an Old Testament prophet, "Do this, or else this has gotta come to pass." No. New Testament says, "We know in part and we prophesy in part." It also says, "Prophecy is subject to fail," meaning we could turn some of these things. And I believe, in fact, Pastor Richard and I were discussing this, even brought it up on the last broadcast, that if we obey God in this, some of this bad stuff could be changed or postponed.


- [Richard] Yeah, absolutely.


- I wanna start with my verse, and then Pastor Richard has a really cool modern version of it. It's 2 Corinthians 6:17, "'Wherefore come out from among them and be separate, saith the Lord, 'and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you.'" Here's my point. Well, there's multiple points, but here's my point. Who gets to determine what thing is unclean? You? Me? Your church? This church? The book you read? The one I wrote? No, the Bible, God's word, clearly defines and describes what God said is good and not good, that is good and evil, right and wrong, clean and unclean. So if we don't diminish the word of God in our life, you're gonna know for a fact, even without a preacher, what God is saying that we're to touch and not touch.


- Yeah. And I'm just reading that out, the Message version says, "'So leave the corruption and the compromise. Leave it for good,' says God. 'Don't link up with those who will pollute you. I want you all for myself." And I just was looking at chapter seven, verse one. I know it's one we've talked about before, but he says, "My dear friends, let's make a clean break with everything that defiles or distracts."


- Ah, I love that.


- It's time to make a clean break with this.


- And that is not wrong.


- No, exactly.


- That is right. We don't hurt anybody. Honestly, we don't hate anybody. Like God, we hate sin, not because it's not fitting to the church, we hate sin because you can't name a sin that isn't costly, horrible expensive, take you further than what you wanted to go, cost you more than what you intended to ever pay, and keep you longer. It'll hurt your life and mine. That is why God wants us to live with morals, and live clean and holy. Praise God.


- So Doc, you talk about, in the "I Predict", we talked a lot about the local, personal level in the church. I wanted to talk for a little bit about some of the stuff that's going on in Washington, things that are happening with the Central Bank, things that are going on worldwide. And maybe if you'd address, you know, we're talking about energy crisis that's happening, and maybe you could hit on a couple of those.


- God said two years ago to me to rally the Body of Christ to pray for exposure, that the wrongdoers would be exposed by either we beginning to get the revelation, or judicially, legally, or just by the byproduct of what they're doing that is just wrong. It does not work. And so here we are two years later. I'm still asking you, let's pray that all the evil is exposed, and then we know what to deal with. So when you look at the Central Bank, the Global Bank, world economy, world trade, harbors, harbors full, isn't it amazing? It's been what, almost three years since COVID, and you still can't buy certain things. What's that all about? It took America, the old America would've regrouped by now, and said, "We don't need all that foreign stuff. We'll build it right here." The new America says "Golly, we're out of it. What do you want us to do?" And so, whether we're talking about money, or we're talking about the money part of world economy, the conspiracy theories that I wish most of you quit listening to, 'cause they're obviously just conspiracy theories. There are true theories.


- Right.


- And so yeah, we're seeing our government... Look at what, we have a South American government now in an island that's already declared that cryptocurrency is the new currency for them and their banking system. But isn't it something that one of the largest digital money companies on the planet just got busted, because what they were doing got exposed, and it's too late to return all that money to all of you who thought this was the move of God for the New World Order. So we're gonna see more disaster. I hate to say that. But for those of us who live by tithes, we're protected. Offerings, hundred-fold return. I know this and you know this, and I preach it and you preach it, and so do many others. God is still on the throne, and man can only go so far with his idiocy and his and his non-biblical ways.


- Yeah. Yep. And I appreciate you bringing that up, because that's one important aspect that we continue to reiterate is, is that there are tithers' rights that we have, and that God has no issue with us claiming those tithing rights, even in a goofed-up economy, with the crises of stuff that's going on that they're talking about, fuel prices and natural gas issues and electric, and all these other--


- Okay. I have a question.


- Yeah.


- For you.


- Oh boy!


- Or for you. If we take the clock and the calendar and rewind it two years, we didn't have a fuel crisis. We were the suppliers to the world. We didn't have an economic crisis. In fact, we were getting millions and millions of dollars from people who are now getting it from us. Because of COVID, there was shipping and supply issues, but before COVID, no. So why is it, in only two years, that we now have financial shortage, financial issues, unemployment issues, fuel issues, gasoline, of course, issues, fueling your cars. I'm predicting this could be one of the coldest winters America has known in a long, long time. And so we have to look at leadership. So what's with the leadership? Why don't they fix this? It was fixed before. So it got broken, or they broke it. So why don't they go back and fix it? Pretty simple.


- Yeah, exactly. Exactly. And I think part of this too, the press from all these things that are happening to people, is pushing them. Either you're gonna look to God for your answers, or you're gonna look to government for your answers. And I think it was you I heard talk about this, but about political idolatry that exists in our nation right now. And that's on both sides of the aisle. That's not just Liberals. That's Conservatives too. It's political idolatry down the line.


- Well, so I wanna say this. It's gonna cause me some hate mail, I think. The Republicans today, Conservatives, however you wanna say that, they seem to be the Democrats of 20 years ago. The way they're thinking, it seems this way, maybe I'm judging wrong, the decisions they're making, what they're standing for, when and over what topic they decide to stand with the Far Left or the Liberals, that 20 years ago they would've fought it tooth and nail. So we are watching, look up here, we are watching our country go down with the other countries. It's just that we're staying above the fray, because we were so far above it economically. Governments, war, military, supply, wheat, grain, corn. So we're shuffling down. And we gotta admit, the Bible predicts some of these things until the antichrist arrives, and rules at least one-third of the world, but influences the whole world. So that's the day we're living in, like it or lump it. We're just gonna postpone it as long as we can.


- Amen. So part of what you talk about in the "I Predict" is about China continuing to pursue world dominance. Not that long ago, we just saw that they were trying to scare Taiwan, and some of the things they were doing. You see that escalating.


- About 25 years ago, I kept hearing this among corporate people, mostly, that China is the new frontier. "We're all gonna go to China. We're gonna start businesses. We're gonna do this, we're gonna do that. We gotta get to China." And in my heart, before I ever said it, I kept saying, "China's our enemy. They will prove to be our enemy." They're not the new frontier. They want to dominate and rule the whole world, no matter what it cost. And under their dictatorship, they don't seem to care if they hurt us, hurt their own citizens. I could be judging that wrong, but I don't think so. And so, yeah, I think China's gonna continue to prove to be our enemy, but wait a minute, the enemy to the whole free world. And was COVID done on purpose or not? Did it come out of the reptile lab or the war lab in Wuhan? They're now proving where it came from. They have proof now that it wasn't a frog, or a snake, or a bat. And so was it released on purpose or wasn't it? Then again, it shut down the world in what, 14 days. The world. The world! Fifteen people rule the world, and six of 'em were not even world leaders. They were medical, or economists, or something. So this will continue to happen. That's why I put it in here. We must pray that the leadership in China somehow changes, that they get replaced or change their mind, and go back and live their deal. 'Cause I don't think they will ever, hear me, be able to take over the world and be what the United States is. It's not gonna happen.


- So with all of that that you talked about, social media's played a real big role in influencing all the stuff that's now coming out from Musk taking over Twitter, and that he's revealing. You said in the "I Predict" that judgment has come to the social media giants. What did you mean by that? Well, I've been seeing this for a while, and I've been taking a lot of flak for it. But we are now learning, no matter which one you name, so it's not slander, it's public knowledge, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, the Google things, and on goes the list, they're being exposed for what their real reason was, and they're starting to admit it. Some of 'em are admitting it under oath. Some are lying under oath. But we're beginning to find out that, golly gee, this wasn't the great blessing that we thought it would be, and that their motives was to just help us communicate and connect with friends, and live a happy life. But look at this. You think the judgment hasn't come? The United States just made it the law that if you work for certain parts of the US government, TikTok, China-based social media, has to be removed from your equipment, or else. It's just the beginning. I don't know if you're for what Elon Musk did to Twitter or not. I'm not really into all that. What I am into is wasn't it nice to find out they really did blockade Conservatives, Christians, the Bible, and anything they didn't like that was against their woke and Democratic deal? No judgment. I'm just saying. They seemed to blockade it on purpose. And thank you, Elon Musk, if, for nothing else, you busted them and you backed up a lot of what a lot of us had been saying, that their ways have not been straight for maybe way back to the beginning. So more judgment will come.


- Yeah.


- It will.


- We've both been Christians for over 40 years. We would've never have thought that media would be the source that the antichrist would use to shape thinking. But you talk about that in the "I Predict", that it's gonna continue, that spirit of antichrist, anyways, is gonna continue to try to shape the thinking of people to bring them into that kind of antichrist bondage.


- Once you've had electricity, you can't live without it. Now, up the Amazon you could, 'cause you've never had it. Once you've had the internet, how do you live without it? If the internet goes out in this town, do you know how much stuff I lose? I can't communicate. You can't check your email. You can't check, can't check, can't check. The oven won't run. The clocks won't run at my house, 'cause it all takes a wifi or an internet connection, to the most part.


- Oh, we deal with this in our office. If the internet's down, everybody's like, "I can't do anything."


- "Gotta go home." My God! Help us all. I have a hard time believing, write me off as old and dumb, I have a hard time believing that this is not on purpose. That these things were instituted to control society, where one day, an antichrist, all he has to do is pull the global plugs, and then where's the electricity go? The power plants? Where's the internet go? Where's the cell service go? Better have a lot of candles and a flashlight. Now, if you don't know what those are, you can go to Ace Hardware, or, and they sell candles that you light with a match. Go on, get to the next one.


- So you talk about Marxism will continue to be permitted. You wanna explain about Marxism?


- Yeah. You know, this whole idea of the two major leaders of Marxism, we always say Karl Marx and his partner, that's in our churches now. It breeds first a challenge to truth, which is reality. "Is that really how it is?" "Is that really what you heard?" But the motive is evil and it's anti-God. You cannot be a Marxist and be a good Christian. You can't be a Communist and be a good Christian. You can be locked in a Communist country, like some of you may be viewing us right now behind the bamboo still, or something-curtain, and that doesn't mean you're that way. You may be just stuck in the system. But the system itself is anti Christ. And so when I saw this coming into America, it was hard to believe. But look at Canada. Do you know, Canada just now are working at approving a law that allows assisted suicide for poor people, disabled people, mental people. Canada.


- My goodness.


- Think about that.


- Wow.


- Canada said that if you're gonna continue in the trucker strike, we're gonna take your bank account, your house. How can they do that? Because the root of Marxism is to remove all private-owned real estate and make it government-owned, just like China, Canada, and other socialist countries. That's what they're trying to do here, slowly indoctrinate us. You know, I don't think you're that dumb. I'm sorry, I don't. I don't think you're dumb enough to think that we're not purposely letting millions of people come across the border that are gonna champion the liberal leaders for the next election. And then we fight to be able to vote without a ID, without proving you're a US citizen? Ah, there's something behind this besides, "Oh golly gee, we can't fix the border."


- Yeah. So, Doc, I know this isn't part of the "I Predict", but so why aren't our churches full of people, full of people crying out to, I'm not talking about sinners. I mean Christian people.


- Yeah. They lack the urgency of the hour, just like they did in Noah's day, just like they did in the day of Lot, and even the day of Jesus. The Jews, no offense, of that day, missed the coming king, Jesus, because they didn't have this urgency, and he did not fit what they thought it should be. So here we are again. We got believers, you know what they think? I think, I could be wrong, I think even people sitting in this great church right here that I pastor, and it is a good church.


- It's a great church.


- And they're good people.


- Yes.


- I think there's a good portion of them that think I'm exaggerating, that I'm pushing my doctrines too hard, that I am an old guy, which I am, I'm 70. And I just think there's a lot of them out there, that they skip church, they're not at the altar. You don't see 'em crying out for their babies, their children, their livelihood. So I think, like in Noah's day, they stopped listening to the guy that said the same thing over and over and over and over and over again for a hundred years, until God shut the door and proved the preacher right. That's one of my major concerns, by the way. So I think that's why. I think when you say it, "Yes. Amen." "That's great. He's right." "Yeah, that's in the Bible." "Way to go, Pastor Richard." "Yes!" But it's not in here. That's why they steal the tithe, borrow the offering, skip the church, live any dirty way they wanna, 'cause they're not convinced, one, that it's that urgent of an hour, two, that there's any chance they could go to hell. They've totally adapted to the idea that, "I said one-paragraph sinner's prayer and I'm good, good for everything."


- Yeah. So, Doc, help our viewers. How do we get back? How do we get back? I mean, if that's the direction our lives have gone, we've lost that sense of urgency. I mean, we can't not, we don't have our head buried in the sand. We know these are desperate times in our world right now.


- My take: The only way out of any of this is preaching. God will confirm his word preached. If we don't stop this little namby-pamby, milquetoast little sissified preaching, afraid of offending people. "They might leave my church, keep the tithe." "I won't be popular on my social media, and people will persecute me." I like when Franklin Graham said once to Sean Hannity. He said, "You know, Sean, that," I'm gonna paraphrase it, 'cause it's too long for my time. He says, "You know, Sean, back in the day, they beat us preachers. The magistrates, the judges, had threw us in the dungeon. That's the sewage part of the prison. And we sang praises at midnight. And when they turned us loose, we really went after our towns. Now, modern preachers get a bad lick on social media, someone befriends them, defriends them later, all of a sudden they're crushed. They're not accepted anymore. We've bred a society that we have to be accepted." And as long as a preacher, you'd better hear me, as long as a preacher, any of us, want to be a man-pleaser and be popular, and that's the goal, you will cheat the gospel, and we will not turn this. We just won't.


- But yet you talk about, in this, that we will once again kindle the fire within. That fire can be rekindled.


- Yes. By us preaching.


- Preaching.


- Altar calls.


- Yes.


- For the believers.


- Yes. For believers.


- For the believers. Get to the altar. Let's worship God. Here's what the Bible says about homosexuality, heterosexuality, adultery, thievery, the tithe, the offering, worship, church attendance. People don't get church attendance. They can't do the math. What is it? Their duty? Is it because we want more people to preach to? Are we gonna change our message or our level of enthusiasm if you attend our church service? The answer's no. We're gonna preach the same way. But because they can't do the math, and the value of what happens to them and their family in church... Now, many of you can't. Don't over-interpret. Then, no matter what we do, if we don't redefine, re-describe and re-preach these moral values, and how God, not Jolliff, not Barclay, not your pastor, how God set this up, even for the last days, if we would do that, we would have the blessing of God, and we would turn a lot of this darkness.


- Yeah, we were talking before the telecast about how that it is the responsibility of the priest to teach what is sacred and what is common. And we were talking about how that, in Timothy, he said that in the last days, that they'd be difficult days, or perilous times, they would be unholy, that in the Living Bible it says, New Living, "Nothing would be sacred." And that's kind of where we are, right?


- That is where we are. Absolutely.


- That's where we're at.


- It's an illegal, reciprocal happening. It's illegal, and here's what I mean. When preachers went to motivational preaching instead of preaching, who's gonna preach? 'Cause the motivational speaker didn't all of a sudden start speaking. When preachers went to comedy, I don't mean a pastor can't be funny in his speech, but when it was all comedy, it was all laughter, and it was just fun, well, the comedians didn't start preaching the gospel. And on goes the story. The teachers didn't take our place at school. So if we, here's the point. If you and I, and preachers like us Bible guys don't preach what God said, how to live in these down and dirty, wicked, antichrist last days, it will slip away, and believers will be living by philosophy, psychology, and the rudiments of this world.


- My goodness.


- Man, we're out of time already. If you wouldn't talk so much--


- I'm sorry, I sorry.


- on this broadcast, we could really get down to earth, Richard Jolliff. Tell 'em again your website. They wanna contact you.


- Yes. And all kinds of information there about how you can reach us and what we're doing.


- Yeah, we'd love to help you. And you're on our broadcast, And listen, a lot of the things we're saying, if you don't know Jesus, I'm not sure they'll work for you even if you tried 'em, because they're meant to be backed by salvation, the filling of the Holy Spirit, and guidance from heaven. We call you today to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, to live the best life you can right now, without evil and wrong, and not being tricked and fooled, and make your place to heaven instead of hell. We've had such a good time. Contact Pastor Richard, contact us, and we will help you any way we can as God leads us through the maze of the last days. Amen.


- Amen.